The Natural History Museum of Utah sits in one of the world’s most diverse and beautiful environments but the effects of climate change can no longer be ignored.
Looking across the pond for expert advice, the museum team commissioned an onsite multiplayer game to effect genuine behaviour change around issues of sustainability, biodiversity, population growth and urban sprawl.
“Games are a brilliant – perhaps the best – medium to present complex systems to a novice audience,” said PRELOADED Head of Design, James Allsopp. “Games can show in real time the interplay and causal effect of complex dynamics, and by doing so make this complexity understandable, and often more relatable.
In order to meaningfully effect behaviour change we knew that collaborative decision making, and player feedback would be critical, both in terms of the decisions you make as an individual, and the repercussions of the decisions that have been made by those before you. The experience needed to be real-time, and feel alive.