BBC Earth: Life in VR – California Coast, the groundbreaking VR experience created by PRELOADED and BBC Studios, is to be one of the launch titles for Daydream’s new standalone headset – the Lenovo Mirage Solo.
The Lenovo Mirage Solo headset is one of the first to use WorldSense™, a new technology that understands your movement in space without the need to set up any external sensors, allowing for a heightened sense of presence.
Using the new headset to experience BBC Earth: Life in VR, users enter a real-time world and witness first-hand the creature behaviours and relationships which sustain the ocean’s rich and diverse ecosystems.
“It’s both humbling and exciting to have created one of the first VR experiences to capitalise on Worldsense,” says Phil Stuart, PRELOADED’s founder and Creative Director.
“It has allowed us to realise our vision for ‘active’ natural history storytelling, allowing users to explore and interact with an underwater world in ways not previously possible. But what is truly remarkable about Worldsense is the fact you’re experiencing it on a mobile, untethered device. The lightness of the headset and freedom of movement demonstrates not just the future of mobile VR, but VR generally.”
Bradley Crooks, Head of Digital Entertainment & Games, BBC Studios said, “It’s extremely exciting that BBC Earth content has been chosen to launch the Lenovo Mirage Solo with Daydream headset. Working with Google to bring BBC nature content to VR allows us to provide our audiences with a fresh, exhilarating level of immersion and is an evolutionary step in natural history storytelling.”
The much-anticipated new headset will launch in the US on May 5 2018, and is expected to receive a UK release soon.
BBC Earth: Life In VR is available to download now from Google Play.