This blog post is part of the New Play Space series.
The smart speaker has quickly been welcomed as the latest family member in homes across the world. 146.9 million in fact, and that’s just in 2019 (Forbes, 2020). Equally exciting are the number of creative possibilities enabled by voice assistants.
Today, voice-driven play is more than ‘Alexa this’ and ‘Google that’. As an interface, Voice is lowering the thresholds for engagement, and together with multi-sensory technologies such as Hand Tracking, it’s making immersive play feel truly natural.
To celebrate the power of Voice we’ve rounded up some of the most exciting uses of voice-driven play. Innovative experiences that show us how Voice travels across mediums, formats and connects our digital and physical worlds.
Read Along by Google (App Download) – Responding to a growing demand for homeschooling resources in 2020, Google debuted Read Along, an Android app designed to help kids improve their literacy by reading stories out loud. Diya, the in-app voice buddy, uses text-to-speech recognition technology to spot the reader’s mistakes and achievements, whilst giving the user pep talks and collectable rewards. Available in nine languages, Read Along is a great example of using voice recognition to create a playful experience that keeps kids motivated to learn.
Clio’s Cosmic Quest on Magic Leap (App Download) – Wonderscope is a groundbreaking app using voice interactions to tell stories in Augmented Reality. Clio’s Cosmic Quest, the latest Wonderscope story for Magic Leap, is a voice-driven narrative adventure that combines the power spatial computing headsets together with voice recognition systems. This voice-driven exploration is a unique experience, showcasing the power of eyes-up, hands-free play – and with Apple’s Mixed Reality glasses rumoured to arrive soon, we can expect to hear more spatial voice interactions in the future.